Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Things To Bring!!! Don't forget!

Hi everyone! A friendly reminder on the to-bring list:
  • Bible
  • Writing materials (pen, pencil if you prefer, markers, highlighters, face paint...err...not.)
  • Running shoes (for running)
  • Sleeping bag (for sleeping. for added comfort, throw in a pillow or cushion too)
  • Jeans/track pants
  • Clothes for wet games... very wet ;)
  • Slippers/sandals (if you don't want to wear shoes all the time)
  • Toiletries & Towel
  • Personal medication (if required)
  • Water bottle

Also, there will be really interesting activites on the last day of camp (Sat). For example:

  • "How to re-vamp your old clothes". If you're interested to know how, bring a piece of old clothing - can be old T-shirt/blouse/shirt/tank top/jeans/pants/berms/shorts etc. and we'll teach you! Materials will be provided courtesy of Jiaying.
  • Wanna know how to throw a frisbee straight? Or more than 2 metres? Learn Proper Frisbee Techniques!! If you have a frisbee, bring it along! (Frisbees will be provided if you do not have one)

Complete list of activities will be made known on the first day of camp. Look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hello campers!

As you know, registration is now closed!

Congratulations to those who have signed up, we believe you're in for a fantastic time. More updates will be posted as we begin to count down to camp.

Look out for future vlogs of the camp committee coming soon.

God bless!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Prayer of Power

Hi Alpha,
Can you help me to post a msg on the blog? Thanks :)
Hi everyone, how has your week been?
Mine's certainly been exciting and this verse has been speaking to me:
"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty. ~ Zechariah 4:6
In fact, on www.TodayGodIsFirst.com 's daily devotional, this verse popped out at me again. You can pray this prayer for yourself or for your friend. And when you pray, remember to watch for God's answer to your prayer!
Today's Prayer
October 31, 2007

..."Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty. ~ Zechariah 4:6. Lord, empower me by Your Spirit today. I do not want to do anything out of vanity or just trying to "climb every mountain" on my own. I long to be led by Your Spirit, not by human initiative and man-inspired positive thinking. Please help me to be a positive, joyful person, full of Your Spirit, inspired by Your Word, and busy about Your work as I go through daily life. I pray that all I do will glorify You and be evidence of Your power and Your might and Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

In His love,